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在本教程的第一部分,我將向您展示如何根據(jù)Markus Lovadina的概念制作科幻宇宙飛船。 我一直在研究船模型大約一年,所以我將分享我的技巧來接近不同的模型。 我將分享我如何制作面板和切割線,基本上只使用邊緣循環(huán)和邊緣擠壓。 我還會(huì)向您展示我在模型的邊框上做最后倒角的方式,給他們一個(gè)更詳細(xì)的完成。 最后,我將展示如何在模型完成后優(yōu)化網(wǎng)格。 我希望我的技巧和方法對(duì)所有人都有幫助,并且值得在你自己的模型中使用。

In this first part of this tutorial I'm going to show you how I made a sci-fi spaceship based on a concept by Markus Lovadina. I've been working on ship models for about one year now, so I'm going to share my techniques to approaching different pieces of a model. I'm going to share how I made the panels and cut-lines, basically only using edge loops and edge extrusions. I will also show you the way I make final chamfers on the borders of the models to give them a more detailed finish. Finally, I will show how I optimize the mesh once the model is done. I hope that my tricks and methods will be helpful for all of you, and worthy to be used in your own models.

Step 01: Evaluate the concept

Before starting any modeling, we need to see the concept in detail and evaluate every object and piece we see on it. It will be very helpful if we make a breakdown of the whole object and divide it into different sections. Each one of these sections will be a single mesh in the future 3D model. It is possible that each section has sub-objects, but the important thing now is to have a clear vision of the main shapes we will work on. In the image you can see how I interpret the concept and how I separate the different pieces.


在開始任何建模之前,我們需要詳細(xì)了解這個(gè)概念,并評(píng)估我們看到的每個(gè)對(duì)象和部分。 如果我們對(duì)整個(gè)對(duì)象進(jìn)行細(xì)分并將其劃分為不同的部分,這將是非常有幫助的。 這些部分中的每一個(gè)將是未來3D模型中的單個(gè)網(wǎng)格。 每個(gè)部分都有子對(duì)象,但現(xiàn)在重要的是要對(duì)我們將要處理的主要形狀有一個(gè)清晰的認(rèn)識(shí)。 在圖像中,您可以看到我如何解釋概念,以及如何分離不同的部分。

Step 02: Base model

I've provided you with the base mesh for this model (ship_baseMesh.obj) so you can start with it and continue with the rest of the steps. The object is in half, so you should apply a Symmetry modifier to work with it. As you can see, it is a very rough and simple model, created by making simple boxes, adding edge loops and bevels, and scaling polygons to make the base shapes as close to the concept as possible. Of course, all of the proportions I'm suggesting here may change in the future, but if we start with the right proportions before starting to add any detail, it's a better beginning. Notice that I also make each object based on the separations I previously made in the concept.


我為你提供了這個(gè)模型的基礎(chǔ)網(wǎng)格(ship_baseMesh.obj),所以你可以從它開始,繼續(xù)其余的步驟。 對(duì)象是一半,所以你應(yīng)該應(yīng)用一個(gè)對(duì)稱修飾符來處理它。 正如你所看到的,它是一個(gè)非常粗糙和簡(jiǎn)單的模型,通過制作簡(jiǎn)單的框,添加邊緣循環(huán)和斜面,以及縮放多邊形,使基本形狀盡可能接近概念。 當(dāng)然,我在這里建議的所有比例可能會(huì)在將來發(fā)生變化,但是如果我們?cè)陂_始添加任何細(xì)節(jié)之前以正確的比例開始,這是一個(gè)更好的開始。 請(qǐng)注意,我也根據(jù)我以前在概念中所做的分離來做出每個(gè)對(duì)象。

Step 03: Edit geometry and constraints

I'm going to talk about this particular option right now because I use it a lot and I'm going to mention it a few times in this tutorial. It's a very useful feature that most of the time is forgotten.

In any sub-selection mode of an editable poly, under the Edit Geometry rollout you will find the Constraints option. This option allows you to move, rotate or scale any sub-object selection (vertex, edge, polygon), restricting the transformation to the selected constraints (edge, face, normal). For example, if you want to move a vertex or edge that belongs to a leaning polygon, you can select Edge Constraint to restrict the transformations to the edge boundaries. See the image for a simple example.



在可編輯多邊形的任何子選擇模式下,在“編輯幾何”卷展欄下,您將找到“約束”選項(xiàng)。 此選項(xiàng)允許您移動(dòng),旋轉(zhuǎn)或縮放任何子對(duì)象選擇(頂點(diǎn),邊緣,多邊形),將轉(zhuǎn)換限制為所選約束(邊緣,面,正常)。 例如,如果要移動(dòng)屬于傾斜多邊形的頂點(diǎn)或邊緣,則可以選擇邊緣約束以將轉(zhuǎn)換限制到邊緣邊界。 看到圖像一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的例子。

Step 04: Modeling the front section of the ship

We can see in the concept that the big pieces of the ship have very smooth edges, so this is the first thing I make. I select the front edges and apply a small chamfer of 2 segments. I do the same with the edges in the bottom. For the edges on the top, I make a bigger chamfer of 3 segments because I see in the concept that the top edges of the ship are smoother than the ones on the bottom (04a). After making all the chamfers I collapse some unnecessary vertices and connect some others as shown (04b). Always remember to check all the edge loops after applying a chamfer or extrude, and collapse or connect any vertex where needed. Don't forget to check the back of the object using the exact same process as before.


我們可以看出,這艘船的大塊邊緣很光滑,所以這是我做的第一件事。 我選擇前沿并應(yīng)用2個(gè)小段的小斜面。 我在底部的邊緣做同樣的事情。 對(duì)于頂部的邊緣,我會(huì)做出3段更大的倒角,因?yàn)槲艺J(rèn)為船的頂部邊緣比底部的邊緣更平滑(04a)。 在完成所有倒角之后,我會(huì)折疊一些不必要的頂點(diǎn),并連接其他一些(04b)。 請(qǐng)務(wù)必記住在應(yīng)用倒角或擠壓后檢查所有邊緣環(huán),并在需要的地方折疊或連接任何頂點(diǎn)。 不要忘記使用與以前完全相同的過程檢查對(duì)象的背面。

Step 05: Creating cut-lines and panels

Let's move on with the front panels. I make some loops to get the lines I need, then I move some vertices to make the desired shape of the panels. Once I have the shape I want, I select the corresponding edges and make a small chamfer (time here to go and clean some vertices). After that, I select the resulting polygons and make a bevel inwards (05a). Finally, to separate these new panels from the rest of the object, I select one of the front loops and applied an extrude. I clean some vertices again (05b).

To make the cut-lines, I basically always make loops here and there when needed, and move the vertices to get the desired shapes. In this process of moving vertices around you may want to use some Constraints to get a better result. So, once I have the desired shapes, I select the corresponding edges and make an extrude. The final step is to always have a look all around the loops to see if there are any unwanted vertices to collapse and delete. Don't be worried about the polygon count, as we will delete all the unnecessary edges later on anyway (05c).

Knowing that, we can say that the formula to make cut-lines and panels is: make loops, move vertices to get the desired shapes, select edges and extrude, then clean extra vertices. Keep in mind that in some cases, when the lines you want to extrude don't have any corners, you won't need to clean the vertices (05d).





Step 06: Making the detail pass

This is what I call the detail pass on a model. Here I make chamfers all around the edges of panels, surfaces and other pieces once all the initial modeling is done. This way, when the model is put into a scene, the light will bounce in a nice way and will give a better-looking result. See a small example of how the chamfers can make a big difference in a model (06a). Of course, making these chamfers will considerably raise your poly-count, so it is important that you always keep in mind your poly budget and be smart about where to use them or where not to - usually in the big and main pieces of the model, the ones that will be more visible.

So, how to make these chamfers? Simple, just select the complete loop of edges (around panels or any piece you want to make them) and apply a small Chamfer. You may need to also check for extra vertices to collapse and delete (06b, 06c, 06d).


這就是我所說的模型的細(xì)節(jié)。 一旦所有的初始建模完成,我都會(huì)在面板,表面和其他部分的邊緣周圍做倒角。 這樣,當(dāng)模型放入場(chǎng)景時(shí),光線會(huì)以很好的方式反彈,并且會(huì)產(chǎn)生更好的效果。 看到一個(gè)小例子,如何倒角可以在一個(gè)模型(06a)中有很大的不同。 當(dāng)然,制作這些倒角會(huì)大大提高你的數(shù)量,所以重要的是你總是記住你的多媒體預(yù)算,并且明智地了解在哪里使用它們,或者不在 - 通常在模型的大部分和主要部分 那些會(huì)更加明顯的。

那么,如何制作這些倒角呢? 簡(jiǎn)單,只需選擇完整的邊緣循環(huán)(圍繞面板或任何您想要制作的部分),并應(yīng)用一個(gè)小的倒角。 您可能還需要檢查額外的頂點(diǎn)以折疊和刪除(06b,06c,06d)。

Step 07: Optimization pass

Now that the model and the detail pass are completely done, it?s time to optimize it by deleting and collapsing all the unused edges and vertices. I always start the optimization by selecting all the polygons that are hidden behind other objects and deleting them. In 07a you can see that all the polygons at the bottom are covered by another object and are not visible, so I delete them.

After that I continue deleting extra edges. I select an unused loop of edges, collapse the first vertex of the loop and then delete it. Keep in mind that when you delete a loop, you will usually end up with some n-gons left over (polygons with more than four sides), so be ready to look for them and add an extra edge to kill them as I show in 07b, 07c and 07d. So far, this object is complete, detailed and optimized.


現(xiàn)在模型和細(xì)節(jié)遍歷已經(jīng)完成,現(xiàn)在是通過刪除和折疊所有未使用的邊和頂點(diǎn)進(jìn)行優(yōu)化的時(shí)候了。 我總是通過選擇隱藏在其他對(duì)象后面的所有多邊形并刪除它們來開始優(yōu)化。 在07a中,您可以看到底部的所有多邊形都被另一個(gè)對(duì)象覆蓋,不可見,因此我刪除它們。

之后,我繼續(xù)刪除額外的邊緣。 我選擇一個(gè)未使用的邊緣循環(huán),折疊循環(huán)的第一個(gè)頂點(diǎn),然后刪除它。 請(qǐng)記住,當(dāng)你刪除一個(gè)循環(huán)時(shí),你通常會(huì)遺留一些n-gons(多邊形超過四面),所以準(zhǔn)備找到它們,并添加一個(gè)額外的邊緣來殺死他們,因?yàn)槲绎@示 07b,07c和07d。 到目前為止,這個(gè)對(duì)象是完整,詳盡和優(yōu)化的。

Step 08: Making the main cabin

I use the same process I just showed you to make all the objects of the ship. For the cabin, I start by adding a bevel to the roof and back area, then make necessary edge loops (remember to use Constraints if you need them). Then instead of selecting the edges and making an extrude, I select the respective polygons and make a bevel outwards (08a). After that, I add more loops for the windows, then select the polygons and make a bevel inwards. Something to keep in mind when using bevels is to make sure that all the new vertices are all aligned correctly (08b). To add more details and interest to the object, I make some cut-lines and panels around (08c). Finally, I make the detail pass and the optimization pass as described before. Don?t forget to look for extra vertices to delete and collapse every time you make an edge chamfer or extrusion, as in 08d and 08e.


我使用同樣的過程,我只是向你展示了使船舶的所有物體。 對(duì)于客艙,我首先在屋頂和后面區(qū)域添加一個(gè)斜角,然后進(jìn)行必要的邊緣循環(huán)(如果需要,請(qǐng)記住使用約束)。 然后,我選擇邊緣并進(jìn)行拉伸,而不是選擇相應(yīng)的多邊形并向外斜起(08a)。 之后,我為窗口添加更多的循環(huán),然后選擇多邊形并向內(nèi)斜。 使用斜面時(shí)要注意的一點(diǎn)是確保所有新的頂點(diǎn)都正確對(duì)齊(08b)。 為了添加更多的細(xì)節(jié)和興趣的對(duì)象,我在(08c)周圍做一些剪裁線和面板。 最后,我按照前面所述進(jìn)行細(xì)節(jié)傳遞和優(yōu)化傳遞。 如08d和08e所示,每次進(jìn)行邊緣倒角或擠壓時(shí),都不要忘記尋找額外的頂點(diǎn)進(jìn)行刪除和折疊。

Step 09: Making the engines

I start the engines at this point, by making a big bevel for the grilles and a big chamfer to smooth the borders, make sure that all the vertices are well aligned when making bevels.

I also add some vertical loops here, and move the vertices on top to create a nice-looking curvature similar to the concept (09a). To make the grille, I detach the inside polygons from the bevel and delete all of the edges that I don?t need. I add five edges, then select the six resulting polygons and apply bevels.

Once I have the six holes, I select the four corner edges and make a chamfer to suggest a more curved ending. And yes, it?s time again to clean some extra vertices! I make the final chamfers to the borders of the grille and it?s done (09b).



我還在這里添加一些垂直循環(huán),并將頂點(diǎn)移動(dòng)到頂部以創(chuàng)建類似于概念(09a)的漂亮的曲率。 為了制作格柵,我從斜面上拆下內(nèi)部多邊形,并刪除我不需要的所有邊。 我添加五個(gè)邊,然后選擇六個(gè)生成的多邊形并應(yīng)用斜面。

一旦我有六個(gè)洞,我選擇四個(gè)角邊,并做一個(gè)倒角,建議一個(gè)更彎曲的結(jié)局。 是的,再次清洗一些額外的頂點(diǎn)! 我把最后的倒角放在格柵的邊框上(09b)。

Step 10: Making the bottom X-shaped vents

On the long bottom object of the ship I make four big inward bevels to add some vents. I take the polygon of the bevel and copy it to make the vents.

I create three edges and add a chamfer to them to create the separation between the vents. After that I make diagonal cuts on the big polygons to get the ?X? shape.

I select all the resulting triangles, make some bevels and delete the base polygons to get the holes (10a). Of course, I need to clean up some vertices in the process. For the detail pass, same as usual, I select all the edges, apply a chamfer and then clean up (10b).


在船的長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的物體上,我做了四個(gè)大的向內(nèi)斜面來添加一些通風(fēng)口。 我拿出斜面的多邊形并復(fù)制它來制作通風(fēng)口。

我創(chuàng)建三個(gè)邊,并向它們添加倒角以創(chuàng)建通風(fēng)口之間的分隔。 之后,我在大多邊形上做對(duì)角線切割以獲得?X? 形狀。

我選擇所有生成的三角形,做一些斜面并刪除基本多邊形以獲得孔(10a)。 當(dāng)然,我需要清理一些頂點(diǎn)。 對(duì)于細(xì)節(jié)通過,與通常相同,我選擇所有邊緣,應(yīng)用倒角,然后清理(10b)。

Step 11: Making the back section of the ship

Following the same process, I make all the ship?s components: making loops, bevels, extrusions, chamfers, and always remembering to clean the geometry by collapsing and deleting extra vertices. Keep in mind to use the Constraints option when necessary. Make the optimization pass to keep the mesh optimal, as if for the final game engine.

I show in 11a and 11b one final example of how I make the back section of the ship. Now you can go and give it a try with the rest of the objects.


按照相同的過程,我制作所有的船的組件:制作循環(huán),斜面,擠壓,倒角,并始終記住通過折疊和刪除額外的頂點(diǎn)來清潔幾何。 請(qǐng)注意,必要時(shí)使用“約束”選項(xiàng)。 使優(yōu)化通過以保持網(wǎng)格最優(yōu)化,就好像最終的游戲引擎一樣。

我在11a和11b中顯示了我如何制作船的后部的最后一個(gè)例子。 現(xiàn)在你可以去試一試,其余的對(duì)象。

Step 12: N-gon checks and collapsing Symmetry

Once I?ve finished all the pieces of the model, it?s time to make sure I don?t have any n-gons. A quick and easy way to do so is by going to the Graphite Modeling Tool found on the ribbon. You need to select the model and, while in the polygon sub-object, go to the Selection panel in the Graphite Modeling tool. At the very end you will find an option to select: Equal, Less than, or Greater than the specified number of sides. Specify the number of sides as ?4?, press the ?>? symbol and click Select. Now 3ds Max should have selected all the polygons in your model with more than four sides, so go simply ahead and make the corresponding connections to kill all the n-gons in the model. Repeat this process until you don?t have any n-gons when pressing ?Select?.

The final step is to collapse the symmetry. Make sure that all the center vertices are in ?0? for the ?Y? axis (if you are using the model I?ve provided) and collapse the Symmetry modifier. Now, check for n-gons again, as sometimes collapsing symmetry may create new n-gons in the center of the model.


一旦我完成了所有的模型,它的時(shí)間是確保我沒有任何n-gons。一個(gè)快速簡(jiǎn)便的方法是轉(zhuǎn)到功能區(qū)上找到的石墨建模工具。您需要選擇模型,而在多邊形子對(duì)象中,轉(zhuǎn)到Graphite Modeling工具中的“選擇”面板。最后,您將找到一個(gè)選項(xiàng):等于,小于或大于指定的邊數(shù)。指定邊數(shù)為?4?,按?>?符號(hào),然后單擊選擇,F(xiàn)在,3ds Max應(yīng)該在模型中選擇了四邊以上的所有多邊形,所以要先走,然后使相應(yīng)的連接消除模型中的所有n-gons。重復(fù)這個(gè)過程,直到你不按任何n-gons?選擇?


Step 13: Making the cables

Cables are a final detail that I always like to include in all my models, as they give a nice look and visual interest to any piece. I make them with Lines. I start by making a line of three vertices (you don?t need more for a simple cable), then selecting all three vertices. By right-clicking, I select the Bezier option so I can now use the Bezier handles of each vertex to have more control in making the shape I want for the cable.

I play a bit with the flow of the cable by moving the vertices and the Bezier handles, making twists to give more visual interest. Make sure you have activated the ?Enable in renderer? and ?Enable in viewport? options under the Rendering panel, and also feel free to use different Thickness values for the cables (13a).

Once I've populated my model with cables, I convert them to Editable Polys and delete all the cap polygons at the end of each cable. I also make a little piece to hold the cables so they look more real (13b).


電纜是最后的細(xì)節(jié),我總是喜歡包括在我所有的模型,因?yàn)樗麄兘o任何片段的漂亮的外觀和視覺興趣。 我使他們與線。 我開始做一個(gè)三個(gè)頂點(diǎn)(你不需要更多的簡(jiǎn)單的電纜),然后選擇所有三個(gè)頂點(diǎn)。 通過右鍵單擊,我選擇Bezier選項(xiàng),所以我現(xiàn)在可以使用每個(gè)頂點(diǎn)的Bezier手柄來更好地控制我想要的電纜形狀。

我通過移動(dòng)頂點(diǎn)和貝塞爾手柄,使電纜的流動(dòng)發(fā)揮一點(diǎn)點(diǎn),使扭曲更多的視覺興趣。 確保您已經(jīng)激活了?在渲染器中啟用? 和?在視口中啟用? “渲染”面板下的選項(xiàng),也可以自由使用不同厚度的電纜(13a)。

一旦我用電纜填充了我的模型,我將其轉(zhuǎn)換為可編輯多邊形,并刪除每根電纜末端的所有蓋多邊形。 我也做了一個(gè)小塊拿著電纜,所以他們看起來更真實(shí)(13b)。

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