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使用MoCap與iClone 6創(chuàng)建動(dòng)畫

vegas剪輯 觀看預(yù)覽





本指南將向您展示如何使用它,并為您的視頻獲得最佳效果。 我們將介紹如何套裝,配置Axis Neuron軟件,以及如何清理iClone中的動(dòng)畫。 將有一些有用的提示,可以進(jìn)一步提高您的手機(jī)性能。

This guide will show you how to use it and get the best possible results for your videos. We'll be covering how to put the suit on, configuring the Axis Neuron software, and how to clean up the animations within iClone. There will be some useful tips that can further enhance your mocap performance as well.

To follow this tutorial, you'll need to have Axis Neuron, iClone 6 and the Perception Neuron plugin for iClone installed.

要遵循本教程,您需要安裝Axis Neuron,iClone 6和iClone的Perception Neuron插件。

Step 1: Before you Begin

The first thing I'd like to discuss is putting on the suit and how to position the sensors correctly. A poorly placed sensor can do strange things to the way your characters behave. I recommend wearing comfortable clothing, such as jeans and T-shirt. Remove metallic items such as change, belts, phones, jewelry and so on, as they can interfere with the magnetic sensors in the suit and damage them.


我想討論的第一件事是穿上西裝,以及如何正確定位傳感器。 傳感器傳感器的位置可能會(huì)使您的角色發(fā)生變化。 我建議穿著舒適的服裝,如牛仔褲和T恤。 去除金屬物品,如變化,皮帶,手機(jī),首飾等,因?yàn)樗鼈儠?huì)干擾西裝中的磁性傳感器并損壞它們。

Useful Tip: On the back of each sensor is a little diagram to indicate where it should be placed.


Step 2: Putting on the Suit

The harness goes on first. Arms through the shoulder straps, then fasten the belt around your waist. Place the head sensor on the back of your head, in the middle, just above where the spine meets the skull. Legs on next. Connect the wires to the waist sockets on the belt. Place the upper leg sensors at the top of the thighs, with the sensors pointing out sideways. The seams down the side of your trousers are a good marker for where to place them.


線束先行。 穿過肩帶,然后將腰帶固定在腰部。 將頭部傳感器放置在頭部后部,中間,正好位于脊柱與頭骨相交的位置。 腿在下一個(gè) 將電線連接到皮帶上的腰部插座。 將大腿傳感器放在大腿頂部,傳感器指向側(cè)面。 褲子一側(cè)的接縫是放置他們的好地方。

Useful tip: If you're putting the suit on yourself, the belt can get twisted behind you and can easily be put on the wrong way around. There is a wire on the belt that connects to the hub, if that's on your left, you should be fine.

有用的提示:如果你把西裝穿在自己身上,皮帶可能會(huì)扭曲在你的身后,很容易就被誤導(dǎo)了。 皮帶上有一根電線連接到集線器,如果是在你的左邊,你應(yīng)該很好。

The lower leg sensors need to be placed just below the knee. Fortunately, human legs have a natural curve that provides the perfect place for the sensors. These need to be pointing forward. Finally, the feet. These need to be placed on the flat part of the top of the foot. Moving on to the upper arms, place the sensors above the bicep and as with the thighs, these need to point sideways. That just leaves the gloves, and then you're all set to begin motion capture. With the whole suit on, it should look something like this.

小腿傳感器需要放在膝蓋的正下方。 幸運(yùn)的是,人腿具有自然的曲線,為傳感器提供了完美的選擇。 這些需要向前推進(jìn)。 最后,腳。 這些需要放置在腳的頂部的平坦部分上。 移動(dòng)到上臂,將傳感器放在二頭肌上方,與大腿一樣,這些需要側(cè)身。 那只是留下手套,然后你就開始動(dòng)作捕捉了。 隨著整個(gè)衣服,它應(yīng)該看起來像這樣。

Step 3: Configuring the Axis Neuron

Now that you know how to put on the suit, the next step is configuring the Axis Neuron software that comes with Perception Neuron. Even though we'll be recording our Mocap session in iClone, you'll need to run Axis alongside it.

As soon as you launch Axis Neuron, it will ask you to connect the suit. Follow the on screen instructions and once complete you'll be greeted with the main Axis Neuron interface. There are a lot of settings but we're only going to focus on the essentials. Select the Parameters tab, then set Joint Stiffness to 1, Step Stiffness to 0.89 and Step Constraint to 0.61.


現(xiàn)在你知道如何穿西裝,下一步是配置感知神經(jīng)元附帶的Axis Neuron軟件。 即使我們將在iClone中錄制我們的Mocap會(huì)話,您還需要運(yùn)行Axis。

一旦你啟動(dòng)了軸神經(jīng)元,它會(huì)要求你連接西裝。 按照屏幕上的說明進(jìn)行操作,一旦完成,您將會(huì)收到主軸Axis Neuron界面。 有很多設(shè)置,但我們只會(huì)專注于必需品。 選擇參數(shù)選項(xiàng)卡,然后將接頭剛度設(shè)置為1,步進(jìn)剛度為0.89,步長約束為0.61。

These settings control how closely the bones of the character stick together and I find these settings look best with characters in iClone. Feel free to experiment with different levels.

這些設(shè)置控制角色粘在一起的密切程度,我發(fā)現(xiàn)這些設(shè)置看起來與iClone中的字符最好。 隨意嘗試不同層次。

Step 4: The Calibration Phase

Useful tip: You'll need to know the height in centimeters of your MoCap actor.

You need to select a profile for your Mocap performer. These are based on the height of the person in the suit and help the neurons know how far apart they are from each other. The more accurate this information is, the better the results of your Mocap session.

Measure the height of your performer and select the profile that's the closest match, for example a woman that's 166cm tall would need the Female 165 profile while a 173cm tall man should use the Male 175 profile.



您需要為您的Mocap表演者選擇一個(gè)配置文件。 這些是基于西裝中的人的身高,并幫助神經(jīng)元知道彼此相隔的距離。 這些信息越準(zhǔn)確,Mocap會(huì)話的結(jié)果越好。


Useful tip: Don't use the default profile unless your actor is a good match for those settings.

When you've got your profile set, you need to run through the calibration sequence. This has to be done after selecting a profile as the calibration will be based on the profile settings. Follow the on screen instruction for the calibration sequence. Leave Axis Neuron running.


當(dāng)您設(shè)置了配置文件時(shí),您需要運(yùn)行校準(zhǔn)順序。 在選擇配置文件后,必須進(jìn)行此操作,因?yàn)樾?zhǔn)將基于配置文件設(shè)置。 按照屏幕上的說明進(jìn)行校準(zhǔn)順序。 離開軸神經(jīng)元運(yùn)行。

Step 5: Preparing iClone for Motion Capture

You've got Axis configured, your actor is in the suit, you're almost ready to go. Launch iClone and place the character you wish to animate. Don't worry about placing other objects in the environment for now, the less iClone has to process, the smoother the performance will be captured.

You'll want to give yourself a nice long project time to work with too. I usually set mine to 4000, so there's little chance of my capture session being cut short mid-way through the scene. Go to the Plugins menu, choose Perception Neuron and the motion capture window will appear.


你已經(jīng)安裝了Axis,你的演員就是西裝,你幾乎準(zhǔn)備好了。 啟動(dòng)iClone并放置您希望動(dòng)畫的角色。 不要擔(dān)心現(xiàn)在將其他對象放在環(huán)境中,iClone必須處理的越少,捕獲的性能越平滑。

你會(huì)想給自己一個(gè)很好的長的項(xiàng)目時(shí)間來工作。 我通常將我設(shè)置為4000,所以我的捕獲會(huì)話幾乎沒有機(jī)會(huì)在中途被切斷。 轉(zhuǎn)到插件菜單,選擇感知神經(jīng)元,并將出現(xiàn)運(yùn)動(dòng)捕捉窗口。

Click Connect and iClone will automatically link up to Axis Neuron. Click the preview button and you'll see your character move as your actor moves, and you can use the record button to record your actor's movements.

Before you jump in and start capturing animation, read through the next section as it offers useful information on how to get the best results for your scene.

單擊連接,iClone將自動(dòng)鏈接到Axis Neuron。單擊預(yù)覽按鈕,您將在演員移動(dòng)時(shí)看到您的角色移動(dòng),您可以使用錄制按鈕記錄演員的動(dòng)作。


Step 6: Helpful Mocap Performance tips

Practice your scene before you capture it. Even if you're doing something fairly straight forward, it's good to run through it a couple of times first so it comes naturally to the actor performing the scene.

With fast movements, such as fight scenes or dancing, have your actors perform slower than normal. Sometimes the suit can miss frames and the slower the movement was performed, the less of a jump it is between those missed frames. You can speed up the animation in iClone afterwards.

If you're going to capture a scene in which characters are holding an object, make sure your actors have something to physically hold as it will make their motions feel more real if they have a prop to interact with. Make sure your props are not metallic, so they don't interfere with the magnets in the suit.





As an example, while capturing the lightsaber combat for Star Wars: Imperials, we used plastic lightsabers so they could actually fight. On a related note, show your actors the environment their characters will be in and anything they'll be interacting with. It will help with their performance if they know what the scene looks like. Direct them like you would a live action movie.

作為一個(gè)例子,在捕獲“星球大戰(zhàn):帝國”的光劍戰(zhàn)斗時(shí),我們使用塑料光劍,以便他們可以戰(zhàn)斗。 在相關(guān)的說明中,向您的演員展示他們的角色所處的環(huán)境,以及他們將要互動(dòng)的任何內(nèi)容。 如果他們知道場景是什么樣的話,這將有助于他們的表演。 指導(dǎo)他們像你將是一個(gè)現(xiàn)場動(dòng)作電影。

Step 7: Saving your Motion Capture

You've just finished recording your character's animation and can watch them perform it by playing the scene. Before you do cleanup or record the next animation, save what you've got. From the Content menu, click the animation button, then custom tab. Right click on Motion, then New Folder. Give it a meaningful name before finally clicking the add button.

Your animation will then be saved for future use and cleanup. Repeat steps 5-6 until you've got everything you need, remove the Perception Neuron suit and store it safely so not to damage it.


您剛剛完成了錄制角色的動(dòng)畫,并可以通過播放場景觀看演出。 在您清理或錄制下一張動(dòng)畫之前,請保存您所擁有的內(nèi)容。 從內(nèi)容菜單中,單擊動(dòng)畫按鈕,然后單擊自定義選項(xiàng)卡。 右鍵單擊運(yùn)動(dòng),然后單擊新建文件夾。 給它一個(gè)有意義的名字,最后點(diǎn)擊添加按鈕。

您的動(dòng)畫將被保存以備將來使用和清理。 重復(fù)步驟5-6,直到您擁有所需的一切,刪除感覺神經(jīng)元套裝,并安全存儲(chǔ),以免損壞它。

Step 8: Mocap Clean Up - Jumping Animations

Now that you've got your animations, there will be some roughness, the characters might not move quite the way you wanted and it needs to be cleaned up. This is something even big Hollywood studios with millions of dollars of equipment have to do. Fortunately, it's a fairly straight forward process in iClone.

步驟8:Mocap清理 - 跳動(dòng)動(dòng)畫

現(xiàn)在你已經(jīng)有了你的動(dòng)畫,會(huì)有一些粗糙,人物可能不會(huì)按照你想要的方式移動(dòng),它需要被清理。 這是一個(gè)甚至大好萊塢工作室,數(shù)百萬美元的設(shè)備都要做的事情。 幸運(yùn)的是,它在iClone中是一個(gè)非常簡單的過程。

Using an empty environment, place your character and choose the animation you want to cleanup. Watch through and look for any jumps in animation. This will be where your character is in motion, then suddenly jumps forward a few frames.

使用空的環(huán)境,放置你的角色,然后選擇想要清理的動(dòng)畫。 觀看并尋找動(dòng)畫中的任何跳躍。 這將是您的角色在運(yùn)動(dòng)的地方,然后突然向前跳幾幀。

It's difficult to show that in a still image but these are one frame apart and it makes for a very sudden jump when watching the animation play through. To correct this find exactly where the jump is on the timeline, then move a few frames further along. Right click and create a break.

很難在靜止的圖像中顯示,但這些是相隔一幀,并且在觀看動(dòng)畫播放時(shí)使得突然跳躍。 要糾正這一點(diǎn),確切地找到時(shí)間軸上跳轉(zhuǎn)的位置,然后再進(jìn)一步移動(dòng)幾幀。 右鍵單擊并創(chuàng)建休息。

Then you can use the transition slider to smooth out the jumps. Exactly what settings to use depends on how big the jump is, so you'll need to experiment a little and see what looks best.

然后您可以使用過渡滑塊來平滑跳轉(zhuǎn)。 什么設(shè)置要使用什么取決于跳躍有多大,所以你需要進(jìn)行一些實(shí)驗(yàn),看看最好的。

Step 9: Mocap Clean Up - Clipping Limbs

The other thing you might notice is your character's limbs might not behave quite the way they should, for example, an arm passing through the body. This is also an easy fix. Again, using the timeline, find the last place the arm was positioned correctly, then open up the Edit Motion Layer tool. Click set as default and then default. This creates a marker that saves the exact position of the character in that spot.

步驟9:Mocap清理 - 剪切肢體

你可能會(huì)注意到的另一件事是你的角色的四肢可能不會(huì)像他們應(yīng)該的那樣行事,例如手臂穿過身體。 這也是一個(gè)簡單的解決方案。 再次使用時(shí)間軸,找到手臂正確定位的最后一個(gè)位置,然后打開“編輯運(yùn)動(dòng)圖層”工具。 單擊設(shè)置為默認(rèn),然后默認(rèn)。 這將創(chuàng)建一個(gè)標(biāo)記,可以保存該位置中字符的確切位置。

Find the next place the character looks right and repeat the set as default and default button step above. If you can't find a good place after a more than a few seconds, then don't worry, the next step should fix that.

From the first marker, move through the timeline until you're about halfway through the arm's motion. Then, using the Edit Motion Layer tool, correct the arm's position. In most cases that will fix the clipping issue. If it doesn't, repeat this step. When you've finished your cleanup and you're happy with the way your character is animated, save your work using the same process described in Step 7.

找到下一個(gè)字符看起來正確,重復(fù)設(shè)置為默認(rèn)和默認(rèn)按鈕步驟。 如果在幾秒鐘之后找不到好的地方,那就別擔(dān)心,下一步應(yīng)該解決這個(gè)問題。

從第一個(gè)標(biāo)記,移動(dòng)通過時(shí)間軸,直到你的手臂運(yùn)動(dòng)的一半左右。 然后,使用“編輯運(yùn)動(dòng)圖層”工具,更正手臂的位置。 在大多數(shù)情況下,這將修復(fù)剪輯問題。 如果沒有,請重復(fù)此步驟。 完成清理后,您對角色動(dòng)畫的方式感到滿意,請使用步驟7中所述的相同過程保存工作。

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