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改善您的3ds Max工作流程:使用MassFx進行有機放置

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3ds Max  MassFx 為您提供了一整套工具,可為您的項目添加現(xiàn)實的基于物理的動畫。 我喜歡這個工具 我發(fā)現(xiàn)它是快速,穩(wěn)定和完美的建立基于有機的互動。 我甚至會用這樣的方式將物體放在一個靜止的圖像中,比如在一個碗里的水果。 為了做到這一點,我簡單的創(chuàng)造水果,把它們放在碗上面,然后對它們施加重力,使它們以美麗的自然方式落入碗中。 讓我們直接了解這個使用不足的3ds Max工具。

MassFx for 3ds Max gives you a great set of tools for adding realistic physic-based animations to your projects. I love this tool. I've found it to be quick, stable and perfect for setting up organic-based interactions. I will even use this to place objects in a still image such as fruit in a bowl. To do this I simple create the fruit, place them above the bowl and then apply gravity to them so that they fall into the bowl in a beautiful natural way. Let's dive straight in to this underused 3ds Max tool.

Create your objects

For the purpose of this tutorial we are going to be using the physics simulation of MassFx to drop a stack of bottle corks into a large gloss bottle. This is a task that would take ages if you had to place them all manually. Create your objects, in this case a glass bottle and a cork. Alternatively feel free to create a fruit bowl and some fruit.


為了本教程的目的,我們將使用MassFx的物理模擬將一瓶瓶塞塞放入大型光澤瓶中。 如果您必須手動將它們全部放置,這是一個需要花費很長時間的任務。 創(chuàng)建您的對象,在這種情況下是玻璃瓶和軟木塞。 或者也可以自由地創(chuàng)造一個水果碗和一些水果。

Position your objects

We are going to use gravity to drop our corks into the bottle. This requires placing the cork directly above the opening of the bottle and ensuring that the bottle opening is large enough for the cork to fit through it. Later on we will duplicate the cork a number of times so that each cork falls into the bottle one at a time. If you were doing this with a fruit bowl then you could drop them all in at the same time.


我們將使用重力將我們的軟木塞放入瓶子中。 這需要將軟木塞直接放在瓶子的開口上方,并確保瓶子開口足夠大以使軟木穿過它。 之后,我們將復制軟木多次,以便每個軟木塞一次一個落入瓶中。 如果你這樣做一個水果碗,那么你可以把它們全部放在同一時間。

An introduction to the MassFX Toolbar

Right-click on the main toolbar at the top and select MassFX Toolbar to show that in your project. This gives you a set of shortcuts that are going to be really helpful. The first button toggles the visibility of your MassFX Tools. The second button attaches either dynamic, kinematic or static rigid body to the selected object. For the purposes of this tutorial you can ignore the next 3 and then finally on the right are some playback controls.


右鍵單擊頂部的主工具欄,然后選擇MassFX工具欄以顯示在您的項目中。 這給你一套將非常有幫助的快捷鍵。 第一個按鈕切換您的MassFX工具的可見性。 第二個按鈕將動態(tài),運動或靜態(tài)剛體附加到所選對象。 為了本教程的目的,您可以忽略接下來的3,然后最后在右邊是一些播放控件。

Set up MassFx for the bottle

Select your bottle object and head over to the MassFX Toolbar. Click and hold down the second button from the left which lets you add a rigid body to the selected object. Make sure you select Static Rigid Body. Your bowl is not going to move or be affected by gravity so it needs to be set as static. Change the Shape Type in the Physical Shapes rollout to Concave and hit Generate in the Physical Mesh Parameters rollout.


選擇您的瓶子物體,然后前往MassFX工具欄。 單擊并按住左側的第二個按鈕,您可以向所選對象添加剛體。 確保選擇靜態(tài)剛體。 您的碗不會移動或受重力的影響,因此需要將其設置為靜態(tài)。 將“物理形狀”卷展欄中的“形狀類型”更改為“凹”,并在“物理網格參數(shù)”卷展欄中命中生成。

Set up MassFx for the cork

Select the cork and give it a Dynamic Rigid Body. The Convex shape type will be absolutely fine. This is really all you have to do for this one for now. In the MassFX Tools dialogue box under the Multi-Object Editor tab it is often helpful to tick the Use High Velocity Collisions. This will help make the simulations more correct.


選擇軟木,并給它一個動態(tài)剛體。 凸形的形狀將是絕對好的。 這真的是你現(xiàn)在所需要做的一切。 在“多對象編輯器”選項卡的“MassFX工具”對話框中,勾選“使用高速度碰撞”通常會有所幫助。 這將有助于使模擬更正確。

Duplicate the cork

The size of the hole in the bottle is so small that we are going to need to drop the corks in 1 at a time. This will involve lining them up in one long vertical line above the bottle. We will let gravity do the rest. Make sure they're instances so that when we come to change the parameters of the cork then it will apply to all of them.


瓶子的孔的大小很小,所以我們需要一次把軟木塞放在1上。 這將包括在瓶子上方的一條長垂直線上排列。 我們會讓重力做其他事情。 確保它們是實例,以便當我們來更改軟木的參數(shù)時,它將適用于所有這些參數(shù)。

Play the simulation

In your first simulation you will probably find that it doesn't run as you were hoping! This is understandable because we've just used the default parameters for everything and these sort of things rarely work straight out the box. We need to fine tune our parameters so that they work for our specific project. We'll do this in the next steps.


在您的第一次模擬中,您可能會發(fā)現(xiàn)它不像您所希望的那樣運行! 這是可以理解的,因為我們剛剛使用了所有的默認參數(shù),這些類型的事情很少能直接運行。 我們需要對我們的參數(shù)進行微調,使其適用于我們的具體項目。 我們將在接下來的步驟中執(zhí)行此操作。

Fine tune the bottle

Let's adjust the settings for the rigid body of the bottle. You'll remember that we previously set it to concave and then generated the mesh. Now we're going to adjust the Physical Mesh parameters and re-generate. Firstly, increase the Mesh Detail so that it's nearer 100, something like 98 will probably work well. Then reduce the Min. Hull Size to around 0.1 or 0.05. And finally increase the Max. Verts per Hull to 256 or 512. Clicking on Generate again will recreate the mesh based on your improved settings.


我們來調整瓶子剛體的設置。 你會記得我們以前把它設為凹,然后生成網格。 現(xiàn)在我們要調整Physical Mesh參數(shù)并重新生成。 首先,增加網格細節(jié),使其接近100,像98這樣可能會很好。 然后減少最小 船體尺寸約為0.1或0.05。 最后增加Max。 每個Hull的Verts為256或512.再次單擊“生成”將根據(jù)改進的設置重新創(chuàng)建網格。

Fine tune the cork

With our bottle set up, let's move on to the cork. Go to the Physical Material Properties rollout and notice the 5 properties that you can adjust to make your cork respond in the way you want. Every object is going to be different here so it may take a while to get the settings correct. I will often find that the bounciness especially is too high for most objects but it depends on what you're simulating. Make the necessary adjustments and re-run the simulation.


隨著我們的瓶子的建立,我們轉到軟木塞。 轉到“物理材料屬性”卷展欄,并注意您可以調整的5個屬性,使您的軟木按照您想要的方式進行響應。 每個對象在這里都會有所不同,所以可能需要一段時間才能使設置正確。 我經常會發(fā)現(xiàn),對于大多數(shù)對象來說,波形特別是太高,但這取決于你正在模擬的內容。 進行必要的調整并重新運行模擬。

Play the simulation again

With everything fine-tuned, try playing the simulation again. Hopefully this responds in the way you were expecting. If not, study the parameters and get used to what has an impact on what. As you get used to the tools you'll get quicker at setting everything up so that the number of times you have to run the simulation before you get it right is less and less. Now try it yourself!


隨著所有的細節(jié),嘗試再次玩模擬。 希望這樣回應你的期望。 如果沒有,研究參數(shù)并習慣對什么產生影響。 隨著你習慣了這些工具,你會更快地設置所有的東西,以便你在正確的運行模擬之前的次數(shù)越來越少。 現(xiàn)在試試吧!

top tip : Simplify your static object

If your simulation is struggling or taking too long then you can use a simplified version of the bottle for the simulations. Then for rendering just hide the simplified one and unhide the high quality version. You'll need to make sure that the objects don't incorrectly intersect once you've unhidden the high-poly bottle.


如果您的模擬花費太長時間,那么您可以使用簡化版本的瓶子進行模擬。 然后渲染只是隱藏簡化的,并取消隱藏高品質的版本。 一旦您取消隱藏高分辨率多晶瓶,您將需要確保對象不會錯誤地相交。

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