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在本教程中,我們將會(huì)找到一種在開(kāi)始時(shí)消除各種分心和潛在問(wèn)題的方法。 這包括進(jìn)行精細(xì)調(diào)整的工作流程和創(chuàng)建貨架,同時(shí)也規(guī)劃出建模之前的流程。 所以讓我們開(kāi)始吧。

The modeling process in Maya can sometimes turn from enthusiasm into a nightmare, especially for beginners.

In this tutorial we will find a way to eliminate all kinds of distractions and potential problems right at the beginning. That includes having a fine-tuned workflow and creating shelves, but also planning out the process that precedes the modeling. So let's get started.

Setting up a Project

We're going to start by creating a new project, so go to the File menu and choose Set Project (Fig.01).



This will bring up a dialog box with a list of all the projects currently in your directory. Choose the project you're working on and click Set. Doing this tells Maya which project folder to save scene files into, and where to look for textures, geometry, scenes, etc. For the purposes of this tutorial, let's call the project "3dcreativetut" (Fig.02).

這將打開(kāi)一個(gè)對(duì)話框,其中包含目錄中所有項(xiàng)目的列表。 選擇您正在處理的項(xiàng)目,然后單擊設(shè)置。 這樣做會(huì)告訴Maya哪個(gè)項(xiàng)目文件夾將場(chǎng)景文件保存到哪里,以及在哪里查找紋理,幾何,場(chǎng)景等。為了本教程的目的,讓我們來(lái)調(diào)用項(xiàng)目“3dcreativetut”(圖02)。

Speed up the Workflow

Speeding up the workflow you use in Maya is one of the most important aspects when we tackle a project, and having quick access to software tools is undoubtedly the best way to save time.

The tool shelf allows you to access the most commonly used functions within Maya. By default, Maya comes with this pre-set tool shelf (Fig.03).



工具架允許您訪問(wèn)Maya中最常用的功能。 默認(rèn)情況下,Maya附帶了這個(gè)預(yù)設(shè)工具架(圖03)。

The Shelf Editor allows you to create new shelves or edit current ones, as well as giving you the option to rename, add/delete, change icons and backgrounds etc. What we want to do right now is simply set up our own custom tool shelf, so that we can quickly access the tools we're going to need to use in this tutorial (Fig.04 ? 05).

書(shū)架編輯器允許您創(chuàng)建新的書(shū)架或編輯當(dāng)前的書(shū)架,以及為您提供重命名,添加/刪除,更改圖標(biāo)和背景等的選項(xiàng),F(xiàn)在我們要做的只是簡(jiǎn)單地設(shè)置自己的定制工具架 ,以便我們可以快速訪問(wèn)本教程中需要使用的工具(圖04?05)。

Click and hold the upside down triangle and choose New Shelf. Maya will ask us the name of the new shelf, so let's call it "3dcreativetut" (Fig.06).

單擊并按住上下顛倒的三角形并選擇New Shelf。 瑪雅會(huì)問(wèn)我們新架子的名稱,所以讓我們稱之為“3dcreativetut”(圖06)。

Then add some commonly used functions for modeling. Make sure you have Polygons selected (Fig.07).

然后添加一些常用的建模功能。 確保您選擇了多邊形(圖07)。

To add functions to your custom tool shelf, hold down Ctrl + Shift, go up to any drop down menu and begin selecting functions. They will then begin to appear on your shelf. Add the following functions:

? Create Polygon tool

? Extrude

? Cut Faces tool

? Interactive Split Polygon tool

? Insert Edge Loop tool

? Merge

? Basic shapes such as sphere, cube, plane

and cylinder

Moving icons on your tool shelf is simple. You can either go to the Shelf Editor, or simply click the middle mouse button whilst on the icon and drag it to a new location on the shelf (Fig.08).

要將功能添加到您的自定義工具架上,請(qǐng)按住Ctrl + Shift鍵,直到任意下拉菜單,然后開(kāi)始選擇功能。 然后他們將開(kāi)始出現(xiàn)在你的貨架上。 添加以下功能:

? 創(chuàng)建多邊形工具

? 拉伸

? 切面工具

? 交互式拆分多邊形工具

? 插入邊緣環(huán)工具

? 合并

? 基本形狀,如球體,立方體,平面


在您的工具架上移動(dòng)圖標(biāo)很簡(jiǎn)單。 您可以轉(zhuǎn)到書(shū)架編輯器,也可以在圖標(biāo)上單擊鼠標(biāo)中鍵,然后將其拖放到書(shū)架上的新位置(圖08)。

Deleting icons from your tool shelf is simple as well. You can delete them by going to Shelf Editor, or again, clicking the middle button on your mouse and dragging the unwanted icon over to the trash can on the right-hand side (Fig.09).

從工具架上刪除圖標(biāo)也很簡(jiǎn)單。 您可以通過(guò)轉(zhuǎn)到Shelf Editor進(jìn)行刪除,或者再次單擊鼠標(biāo)中間的按鈕,將不需要的圖標(biāo)拖到右側(cè)的垃圾桶上(圖09)。

Many of the functions in Maya have options that allow you to modify how that function behaves. You will notice that a lot of the drop down functions on your Menu list have a square box off to the side. This means that this function has options that you can set, if you choose to (Fig.10).

Maya中的許多功能都具有允許您修改該函數(shù)的行為方式的選項(xiàng)。 你會(huì)注意到,菜單列表中的很多下拉功能都有一個(gè)方框。 這意味著如果您選擇此功能,該功能可以設(shè)置您可以設(shè)置的選項(xiàng)(圖10)。

If you've already placed the function on your tool shelf, you can access the option box by simply double-clicking on the icon from your tool shelf (Fig.11).


Import the Images

The image plane is very useful when you are modeling in Maya. In this example I will use the front view of my vehicle. Then go to View > Image Plane > Import Image (Fig.12).


當(dāng)您在瑪雅建模時(shí),圖像平面非常有用。 在這個(gè)例子中,我將使用車(chē)輛的前視圖。 然后轉(zhuǎn)到視圖>圖像平面>導(dǎo)入圖像(圖12)。

When the window opens, just browse for the image that you want to import. When you have your image selected, click Open and this will place the image on the view (Fig.13).

當(dāng)窗口打開(kāi)時(shí),只需瀏覽要導(dǎo)入的圖像。 選擇圖像后,單擊“打開(kāi)”,將圖像放在視圖上(圖13)。

On the Attribute Editor we will find imagePlane ? this contains the name of our image, in my case "front". If you want to see the image in all views set Display to "in all views"; if you want to see it only in the view that you imported it in set Display to "looking into the camera". This makes sure that if we move the right view of our perspective then the image plane will only be displayed in our front view (Fig.14).

在屬性編輯器中,我們會(huì)找到imagePlane? 這包含我們的圖像的名稱,在我的情況下是“前”。 如果要在所有視圖中看到圖像,將顯示為“在所有視圖”中; 如果您只想在視圖中看到它,則將其在“設(shè)置顯示”中導(dǎo)入“查看相機(jī)”。 這確保如果我們移動(dòng)我們的視角的右視圖,則圖像平面將僅在我們的前視圖中顯示(圖14)。

To change the position of your image just scroll down the panel and adjust the parameter (Fig.15).


Another way you can do it is to make a poly plane. Go into your Hypershade and make a Lambert and drop that into it, then plug your file texture into the color of that Lambert (Fig.16).

另一種方法可以做一個(gè)多面飛機(jī)。 進(jìn)入你的Hypershade,做一個(gè)蘭伯特,把它放入它,然后將您的文件紋理插入蘭伯特的顏色(圖16)。


The best way to start a 3D model is by blocking in shapes, basically making a low poly version of our model. "Won't we waste time?" I hear you ask! The answer is no, because if we work in a low poly version before the final version, we can solve problems of proportion that will be presented in the future, and we will have a clear idea of how the model works in space.

It will also give us the basis to begin modeling our high poly version, and most importantly, it will help us to create a mental guide to understand the three-dimensionality of our 2D concept.


啟動(dòng)3D模型的最佳方法是通過(guò)阻擋形狀,基本上使我們的模型的低多晶型。 “我們不會(huì)浪費(fèi)時(shí)間嗎? 我聽(tīng)到你問(wèn)! 答案是否定的,因?yàn)槿绻覀冊(cè)谧罱K版本之前的低版本工作,我們可以解決將來(lái)會(huì)呈現(xiàn)的比例問(wèn)題,并且我們將會(huì)清楚地了解這個(gè)模型在空間中的工作原理。


The Body

We start by creating the body of our machine from the geometric shape that is closest to our concept, which is obviously the cube.

Click on Create Cube, and then drag the mouse onto our view by pressing the left button (Fig.17).




Once the cube is created, add Loops, with the idea of adding more geometry to our cube. We will use the Insert Edge Loop tool for this.

The Insert Edge Loop tool is probably the single most important item in your modeling tool-set. It allows you to add additional resolution to your mesh by placing an uninterrupted subdivision in any location you specify.

With the cube in object mode, go up to Edit Mesh and select the Insert Edge Loop tool (or select it from your custom shelf) (Fig.18).

創(chuàng)建多維數(shù)據(jù)集后,添加循環(huán),以便向我們的多維數(shù)據(jù)集添加更多的幾何體。 我們將使用插入邊緣循環(huán)工具。

插入邊緣循環(huán)工具可能是您的建模工具集中最重要的一個(gè)項(xiàng)目。 它允許您通過(guò)在您指定的任何位置放置不間斷的細(xì)分來(lái)為網(wǎng)格添加額外的分辨率。


Click any edge on your mesh, and a new subdivision will be placed perpendicular to the edge you clicked.

You can add additional subdivisions anywhere on your model by clicking and dragging on any edge (Maya will not drop the new edge loop until you release the left mouse button) (Fig.19).



Then by selecting the vertex selection mode (right mouse button), we can start to move the points following the reference image (Fig.20).


The Cab

As we did with the body, we will start from a cube for the cab. Most of the process will be the same, but to create the side bars we need use the Extrude tool (Fig.21).


正如我們與身體一樣,我們將從駕駛室的立方體開(kāi)始。 大多數(shù)過(guò)程將是一樣的,但是要?jiǎng)?chuàng)建側(cè)邊欄,我們需要使用“拉伸”工具(圖21)。

Extrude creates new geometry from a selected component. This selected component can be vertices, edges, or faces; the most commonly used is faces (Fig.22).

拉伸從所選組件創(chuàng)建新幾何體。 該選定的組件可以是頂點(diǎn),邊或面; 最常用的是面(圖22)。

The Extrude tool works by Maya creating a node called "polyextrudeface". This node contains all the attributes for the extrusion. These attributes are changed by visually setting them using the manipulator (Fig.23)

“拉伸”工具由Maya創(chuàng)建一個(gè)名為“polyextrudeface”的節(jié)點(diǎn)。 此節(jié)點(diǎn)包含擠出的所有屬性。 這些屬性通過(guò)使用機(jī)械手的可視化設(shè)置來(lái)改變(圖23)

When you're using the local mode for the Move tool, the local translation attributes will change. If you're in world space, the normal transform attributes will change.

The various extrude attributes that are available are as follows:

? Translate Attributes: This is the location of

the extrude in world space.

? Polyextrude Curve Attributes: These

attributes will be covered in the extruding

along a curve section later.

? Divisions: This is how many divisions will

be added along the extrusion.

? Offset: An offset value for the local


? Local Translate: This is the location of the

extrude in local space.

? Local Direction: The direction of the local


? Random: Basically makes the extrude


? Smoothing Angle: This is in regard to the


Fig.24 shows the difference between an extrude with Keep Faces Together on and an extrude with it off.

當(dāng)您使用移動(dòng)工具的本地模式時(shí),本地翻譯屬性將更改。 如果你在世界空間,正常的轉(zhuǎn)換屬性將會(huì)改變。


? 翻譯屬性:這是位置


? Polyextrude曲線屬性:這些



? 部門(mén):這是多少部門(mén)會(huì)的


? 偏移量:本地的偏移值


? 本地翻譯:這是位置


? 本地方向:本地方向


? 隨機(jī):基本上使擠壓


? 平滑角度:這是關(guān)于



So we select the face that we need to extrude and press Extrude. Then we adjust the position to match the image reference (Fig.25).

所以我們選擇我們需要拉伸的面,然后按拉伸。 然后我們調(diào)整位置以匹配圖像參考(圖25)。

In this case we need a cylinder (Fig.26) or circle (Fig.27), but whatever shape you use, it's always the same workflow.


Mirror Geometry specifies the direction you want Maya to mirror the selected polygonal object. By default, the direction is +X. Change these options and click Mirror if you want to mirror the object in another direction; in our case this will be ?X (Fig.28).

鏡像幾何指定您希望Maya鏡像所選多邊形對(duì)象的方向。 默認(rèn)情況下,方向?yàn)? X。 更改這些選項(xiàng),如果要在另一方向鏡像對(duì)象,請(qǐng)單擊鏡像; 在這種情況下,這將是?X(圖28)。

Once we have finished the blocking, the next step is to select all the geometry to create a new layer called LW. This is so that when we need to hide or lock the objects in the scene, all we need to do is press Create A New Layer and assign the selected object located in the Channel Box (Fig.29).

一旦我們完成了阻止,下一步是選擇所有的幾何來(lái)創(chuàng)建一個(gè)名為L(zhǎng)W的新圖層。 這就是說(shuō),當(dāng)我們需要隱藏或鎖定場(chǎng)景中的對(duì)象時(shí),我們需要做的就是按Create A New Layer并分配位于Channel Box中的所選對(duì)象(圖29)。

With this we have finished the first part of the series. We have set up the scene and blocked in shapes, and now we are ready to move on to the high poly modeling. In the next chapter we are going to start detailing the mesh, as well as immersing ourselves in the world of the MEL Script.

有了這個(gè),我們已經(jīng)完成了系列的第一部分。 我們已經(jīng)建立了場(chǎng)景并阻擋了形狀,現(xiàn)在我們已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好轉(zhuǎn)向高多模型了。 在下一章中,我們將開(kāi)始詳細(xì)說(shuō)明網(wǎng)格,以及將自己沉浸在MEL腳本的世界中。

超精細(xì)女神制作教程 超精細(xì)女神制作教程




















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