eter Braeley demonstrates how he followed the basic rules of principles, perspective and shapes to create his image, Sacrifice.
我正在瀏覽我的日?s略圖畫,并開始畫畫。 我從非常松散的大形狀開始,把焦點放在圖像的中心,帶有一個球體和角色。 我又一次知道,這是關注的焦點所在,以及這將如何影響其余的形象。
I was going through my daily thumbnail paintings and started painting away. I started off with very loose big shapes, focusing in on the center of the image with a sphere and character. Again I knew that this is where the center of attention is going to be and how that is going to affect the rest of the image.
我沒有花太多時間在這個縮略圖上。 老實說,我已經進入了下一個階段,因為我非常興奮,這部戲將如何演變。 于是我開始封鎖形狀,找出某些物體和興趣在哪里。 只是保持簡單,最后對我來說很好。
I didn't spend a lot of time on this thumbnail; honestly I was already jumping into the next step because I was so excited how this piece was going to turn out. So I started blocking out the shapes and figuring out where certain objects and interests are going to play; just keeping things simple works well for me at the end.
During the process of this step I wanted to the viewer to feel as if they were immersed in the scene, as if the camera was a third point of view and that the next second would be the aftermath of the story leaving the viewer on edge and wanting to know what would happen next. That was the set plan on this piece.
Then I laid out a simple perspective grid just to help me with the focal point and give a sense of balance and weight to the image. At first I had the idea of having a destructive city in the background and you're in an interior looking out, but it felt too busy for me so I added in ships to give a better sense of space and room for storytelling.
Once I decided to change the background into this vast sky I added the ships to allow more attention on the centre focal point. I added some clouds, sky and painted in some fill color into the scene for believability, make sure it's not too empowering.
I painted the ships with simple basic shapes and some base painting. I added textures to the bigger and closer ships; some of the smaller ships had some sky fill pushing them back further into space. I also started adding some fire and debris into scene. This gave me a chance to add more drama and create conflict in the scene. I kept staring at the sphere and how empty it was, so it was time to move on.
This was a lot of fun to do; I wanted the sphere to look like it was organic, gentle, yet mechanical and empowering. The first thing I did was fill it with a core shadow and light fill just to give it some depth. I started working on the outer part and inner center of sphere, adding a texture that gave me repetitive shapes and a mechanical look. I also duplicated the layer for the center as well.
I painted the outer rim with a teal blue color and added a gritty texture for the organic appeal; I also started masking out the sphere to make it look damaged and decayed. Then I focused on painting in the lighting effects to make it look alive and responsive.
在這一部分,我想讓立方體成為保護球體的警告系統(tǒng),就像蜂群保護著自己的皇后。 我開始掩蓋邊緣,然后開始填充黑暗和淺色的顏色,并將一些技術線路集成到機體中,以實現機械設計。
In this part I wanted the cubes to be a warning system that protects the sphere, like a swarm of bees protecting their queen. I started masking out the edges then I began to fill dark and light colors and some tech lines integrated into the body for that mechanical design.
我用油漆紋理進一步深入研究,給予一些勇氣和可信度。 我必須設計每個立方體的前面給他們不同的個性,但他們仍然感覺作為一個單位。 最后,我專注于用紅色的眼睛照明和繪畫,看起來很警惕,我選擇去掉一些立方體,因為它變得壓倒性和忙碌。 然后添加額外的細節(jié),以推動有機的感覺。
I dive into them further with paint textures to give some grit and believability; I had to design the front of each cube to give them different personalities but so they still feel as one unit. Lastly I focus on lighting and painting in red eyes for that alert look and I made a choice to remove some cubes as it was getting overwhelming and busy. Then extra bits of detail were added to push that organic feel.
I decide the foreground would be an interior part of the ship for our big epic conflict with the sphere drawn in by the ship or the character.
我開始工作,確保視角是正確的。 我使用多邊形套索工具制作了一些平坦的顏色,用一些骯臟和粗糙的紋理來繪制形狀,并在左右墻上使用相同的技術。 記住不要過度填充內部從焦點分心。 最后,我掩蓋了邊緣,打破了內部的損壞和污垢的影響。 飛片和碎片也被添加進來。
I started working the ground making sure the perspective was correct. I laid down some flat color using the Polygonal Lasso tool to make the shapes, painted in some dirty and grit textures and used the same technique on the left and right walls; keeping in mind not to over populate the interior to distract from the focal point. At the end I masked in the edges to break up the interior for that damaged and dirt effect. Flying pieces of paper and debris were added in as well.
角色是圖像的最后部分之一。 我把它著重于圖形的形狀。 然后,我使用直升機駕駛艙的照片添加了一些紋理,并將其夾在數字輪廓內。 然后,我扭曲它,翻轉它,并將其拉伸,尋找有趣的形狀,然后在西裝上繪制。 然后我畫了靴子,在背部和胳膊上增加了噴氣背包。
The character was one of the last parts of the image. I painted right into it focusing on the shape of the figure. I then added some textures using a photo of a helicopter cockpit and clipped it inside the figures outline. Then I distorted it, flipped it and stretched it to look for interesting shapes for the suit to then paint on top. Then I worked on painting the boots, adding the jet pack light in the back and the arm as well.
我用頭部的照片參考,我用草單刷刀刷頭發(fā)。 然后我畫了一些觸摸ups和填充顏色的整體外觀。
I used a photo reference for the head and I painted the hair in with a grass single blade brush. I then painted in some touches ups with the lighting and fill color for the overall look.
This is one of my favorite stages of the piece because I get to see it all coming together. Once everything was laid in I went back to the background and started adding in lasers effects, explosions, fire, debris and atmosphere.
Then I moved on to the midground, adding in a smoke effect behind the cubed robots. Some extra attention was paid to the character adding dust particles and lighting from his suit, and burning the interior of the ground causing fire. This added more depth to the narrative.
I played with Color Balance, Brightness and Contrast, as well as adding a Photo filter layer and cropping the image to achieve a cinematic feel. Lastly I added a Smart filter for some edge details.
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