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zbrush基礎(chǔ)課程制作克勞德 觀看預(yù)覽





大家好!我叫Vlad Konstantinov。我是一名來自俄羅斯的自由藝術(shù)家,我的主要專業(yè)是3D角色。
我想告訴你關(guān)于我的照片“小龍”的制作。 在本文中,我將介紹工作流程的所有階段,從建模到后期制作。 我希望我分享的信息對您有用。
Hello everybody! My name is Vlad Konstantinov. I am a freelance artist from Russia and my main specialization is 3D characters. 
I'd like to tell you about the making of my picture "Little Dragon". In this article I'll touch upon all the stages of the working process, from modeling to post-production. I hope that the information which I'm going to share will be useful for you.
Below you can see the initial images which I used as references during the creation of my model (Fig.01).
In the end I was able to get nice cartoon render. But if you want to know about the mysteries of shading and rendering, I will disappoint you because the final image is the result of editing and rendering in Photoshop, which will be described later in this article later.
最后我能夠得到漂亮的卡通渲染。 但是,如果你想知道陰影和渲染的奧秘,我會讓你失望,因?yàn)樽詈蟮膱D像是Photoshop中的編輯和渲染的結(jié)果,這將在后面的這篇文章中描述。
I used the second image of the dragon walking along the path for the beginning of the modeling. It was very difficult to use such a small resolution image to model over and that's why I drew the rough contour sketch in Fig.02.
我使用第二個龍的圖像沿著路徑走開始建模。 使用這樣一個小分辨率的圖像來模擬它是非常困難的,這就是為什么我在圖02中繪制粗略的輪廓草圖。
You can scare naughty children with such sketch, and I hope that my potential clients will never see it! But actually I didn't need a more detailed draft - I only marked the basic shapes and proportions for myself. Besides, as you can see in the sketch, I put the dragon in a rest pose to lighten the modeling process.
你可以用這樣的素描嚇到頑皮的孩子,我希望我的潛在客戶永遠(yuǎn)不會看到它! 但實(shí)際上我不需要更詳細(xì)的草稿 - 我只是標(biāo)出了我自己的基本形狀和比例。 此外,正如你在草圖中可以看到的,我把龍繪畫成休息姿態(tài),以減輕建模過程。
I used 3ds Max and the ordinary polygonal technique to make the model. Some artists like to create their models inside ZBrush or Mudbox and to make the retopology in future, but I almost always model my characters because the clean topology gives me good control when I'm sculpting. Moreover I try to allow for the possibilities of further animation in such a polygonal wireframe. In Fig.03 you can see the finished dragon's head and the way that I used the contour sketch.
我用3ds max和普通多邊形技術(shù)來制作模型。一些藝術(shù)家喜歡創(chuàng)造他們的模型在ZBrush或Mudbox和今后制定的拓?fù)洌俏規(guī)缀蹩偸悄7挛业慕巧,因(yàn)楦蓛舻耐負(fù)浣Y(jié)構(gòu)使我在雕刻時(shí)能夠很好的控制。 此外,我嘗試允許在這樣的多邊形線框中進(jìn)一步動畫的可能性。 在圖03中,您可以看到完成的龍的頭部和我使用輪廓草圖的方式。
During the work I did not follow my contour sketch too strongly. I tried out different variants and changed the proportions (Fig.04).
在工作期間,我沒有太強(qiáng)烈地跟隨我的輪廓素描。 我嘗試了不同的變種并改變了比例(圖04)。
The finished model can be seen in Fig.05. After this point I could start to create the UV and details.
完成的模型可以在圖05中看到。 此后,我可以開始創(chuàng)建UV和細(xì)節(jié)。
For UV I usually use the application called Unfold3D. It's a useful and very simple program. You can see the final texture coordinates here (Fig.06).
對于UV我通常使用稱為Unfold3D的應(yīng)用程序。 這是一個有用和非常簡單的程序。 您可以在此處看到最終的紋理坐標(biāo)(圖06)。
Creating the details is my favorite process among all the stages of character modeling and ZBrush is the ideal assistant for it. It's a real pleasure to see how your model comes to life. Usually I divide the sculpting into three phases. First of all I work on the base groups of muscles and on the main shapes, increasing the subdivs gradually. Next I start to sculpt some medium-sized details, such as the folds of skin for example. And finally I added the smallest minutiae (wrinkles, scales etc) using lots of different Alpha brushes to save tons of time (Fig.07). 
創(chuàng)建細(xì)節(jié)是我在角色建模的所有階段中最喜歡的過程,ZBrush是理想的助手。 通常我將雕刻分為三個階段。 首先,我在肌肉基礎(chǔ)組和主要形狀上工作,逐漸增加細(xì)分。 接下來,我開始雕刻一些中等大小的細(xì)節(jié),例如皮膚的褶皺。 最后我用很多不同的Alpha刷子添加了最小的細(xì)節(jié)(皺紋,鱗片等),節(jié)省了大量的時(shí)間(圖07)。
After sculpting I had to transfer all the high resolution details from ZBrush to 3ds Max. Usually I do this with the help of a Displacement map and Normal bump. I chose V-Ray for the rendering of my dragon. ZBrush can generate perfect Relief maps and Vray is able to process them excellently (Fig.08).
雕刻后,我不得不將所有的高分辨率細(xì)節(jié)從ZBrush轉(zhuǎn)移到3ds Max。 通常我通過位移圖和正常碰撞的幫助來做到這一點(diǎn)。 我選擇V-Ray來渲染我的龍。 ZBrush可以生成完美的浮雕貼圖,而且Vray可以很好的處理它們(圖08)。
There is nothing special about the settings I used (Fig.09).
In the next step I drew the texture. I painted the model directly in ZBrush with a Standard brush and without any tricks or complicated settings. The final texture was edited in Photoshop to add some shadows and small details. Periodically I saved the stages of work and rendered them in 3ds Max to give me a more obvious concept about the appearance of the dragon's skin color for the future. You can see the process of painting in Fig.10. I have to apologize for the black background, but these are the old WIP-pictures which I saved for my own workflow, and I didn't think that I would write the article about this model! You may notice some blue glow on the dragon's back in the last render. I made it with a Falloff map to imitate the sky light and different reflexes.
在下一步中,我畫出紋理。 我在ZBrush中直接用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)畫筆畫模型,沒有任何技巧或復(fù)雜的設(shè)置。 最后的紋理在Photoshop中編輯,添加一些陰影和細(xì)節(jié)。 定期地,我保存了工作的階段,并在3ds Max中給出了一個關(guān)于未來龍皮膚色的外觀的更為明確的概念。 您可以在圖10中看到繪畫的過程。 我必須為黑色背景道歉,但這些是我為自己的工作流程保存的舊WIP圖片,我沒有想到我會寫關(guān)于這個模型的文章! 在最后的渲染中,你可能會注意到龍的背面有一些藍(lán)色的光芒。 我做了一個衰減地圖來模仿天空光和不同的反射。
The finished texture is shown in Fig.11.
When all the textures were ready, I could make the necessary pose for my model. I didn't spend time on the rig because I knew I was only going to create two images with the dragon and didn't need to make an animation. For posing I again used ZBrush (Fig.12 - 13).
當(dāng)所有的紋理都準(zhǔn)備好了,我可以為我的模型做出必要的姿勢。因?yàn)槲抑牢抑粫谬垊?chuàng)造兩個圖像,不需要制作動畫。 我再次使用ZBrush(圖12-13)。

Now it's time to tell you about the final render. I will talk about only one image because for the second one I used the same principles.
現(xiàn)在是時(shí)候告訴你最后的渲染了。 我只談一個圖像,因?yàn)榈诙䝼我使用相同的原則。
Primarily I had to choose suitable lighting to give the picture the necessary mood. I divided this phase into three stages:
主要是我不得不選擇合適的照明給圖片必要的情緒。 我把這個階段分為三個階段:
  1. Selecting the light sources and placing them in the scene to get the required level of lighting and shapes of shadows.
  2. Switching on the GI and tuning the rendering settings
  3. Choosing a fitting HDR map.
All these steps were made with a simple gray material on the models. Finally I got the result shown in Fig.14.
所有這些步驟都是用模型上的簡單灰色材料制成的。 最后得到如圖14所示的結(jié)果。
After that I was ready to work with the material of the dragon's skin in my scene. It was necessary to get the final renders as soon as possible and that's why I decided not to spend time making complicated shaders and planned to get the necessary results with the help of the post-production process. The only important thing in the material was the specular parameter. In the end I was satisfied with the following settings (Fig.15).
之后,我準(zhǔn)備好在我的場景中融入龍的材質(zhì)。 有必要盡快獲得最終的渲染,這就是為什么我決定不花時(shí)間做復(fù)雜的著色器,并計(jì)劃在后期制作過程的幫助下獲得必要的結(jié)果。材質(zhì)中唯一重要的是鏡面參數(shù)。 最后我對以下設(shè)置感到滿意(圖15)。
The material for the eyes is a simple VrayMtl with faint reflection, glitter and texture painted in Photoshop.
When I'd finished all the materials I had to fix my rendering settings and the parameters of the light sources a little. The final rendering of the dragon in 3ds Max is demonstrated here (Fig.16).
當(dāng)我完成所有的材質(zhì),我不得不修復(fù)我的渲染設(shè)置和光源的參數(shù)一點(diǎn)。 這里演示了3ds Max中龍的最終渲染(圖16)。
You may notice that it's a rough and unpleasant render, but the most important things for me are there - a cleanness and the absence of strong highlights and deep shadows. The lighting system and rendering setup are shown in Fig.17 - 19.
你可能會注意到這是一個粗暴和不愉快的渲染,但對我來說最重要的是 - 清潔,沒有強(qiáng)烈的亮點(diǎn)和深刻的陰影。 照明系統(tǒng)和渲染設(shè)置如圖17-19所示。
The final render was saved like a TIFF with the alpha channel. Besides this I created some additional layers such as VRayDiffuseFilter, VRaySpecular and VRayAlpha, which I planned to use for post-production.
最終的渲染被保存為像Alpha通道的TIFF。 此外,我創(chuàng)建了一些額外的層,如VRayDiffuseFilter,VRaySpecular和VRayAlpha,我打算用于后期制作。
All further work was done in Photoshop. First of all I drew a simple background and tuned the brightness and the hue of my dragon (Fig.20).
所有進(jìn)一步的工作都在Photoshop中完成。 首先我畫了一個簡單的背景,并調(diào)整了龍的亮度和色調(diào)(圖20)。
I then marked some areas on the character with the mask and made them darker. I then added the shadows on the neck. I also used the Burn tool for some parts (Fig.21).
然后我用面具標(biāo)記了角色上的一些區(qū)域,使它們變得更暗。 然后我把陰影加在脖子上。 我也使用了一些零件的刻錄工具(圖21)。
In the same way I added the spotlit zones on the model to underscore the back lighting (Fig.22).
The next step was the most important because it let me liven up the dragon. I created the layer with Multiply mode and drew some small details like scales and wrinkles there. Also I rotated the eye a little because its initial direction didn't look so good (Fig.23).
The other important step was adding the glitter. Firstly I put my rendered VRaySpecular pass in the file with Screen mode. After that I created another layer and painted some areas of the scales with white to make the reflection stronger (Fig.24).
另一個重要的步驟是添加閃光。 首先,我將渲染的VRaySpecular pass放在屏幕模式的文件中。 之后,我創(chuàng)建了另一層,并用白色繪制了鱗片的一些區(qū)域,使反射更強(qiáng)(圖24)。
Next I added a little more detail to the face of my dragon and shadows from the eyelid to his eyes (Fig.25).
I was happy with the appearance of my character, but the spikes on his back looked too plastic. That's why I created a new layer and, painting with a simple brush, I smoothed the relief of the comb to make him look soft. Further I selected the spikes and duplicated them to a new layer with Hard Light mode and a big value of opacity. It helped me to simulate the SSS effect. After that I created another layer with Screen mode and painted the glare on the dragon's comb with white (Fig.26).
我很滿意我的角色的外觀,但他背上的尖峰看起來太堅(jiān)硬了。這就是為什么我創(chuàng)造了一個新的層面,用一個簡單的畫筆繪畫,我平滑了梳子的浮雕,使他看起來柔軟。 此外,我選擇了尖峰,并將它們復(fù)制到具有硬光模式和大的不透明度值的新層。 它幫助我模擬SSS效應(yīng)。 之后,我創(chuàng)建了一個屏幕模式的另一層,并在龍的梳子上用白色涂上眩光(圖26)。
At this stage I decided that I liked the style of my character and I started to work with the background. Mixing a few blurred photos and using color correction I got a nice environment which was suitable for my dragon, camera angle and mood of the scene (Fig.27).
After that I had to composite the character and background. It was enough to make the sky glow for that. I duplicated all the layers, merged them into a new one with Screen mode, added a strong contrast to this resulting layer and blurred it. Next, with the simple Eraser tool and opacity parameter, I tuned the glow effect (Fig.28).
之后我不得不合成角色和背景。 這樣做足以使天空發(fā)光。 我復(fù)制了所有的圖層,將它們合并成一個新的屏幕模式,增加了與此結(jié)果層的強(qiáng)烈對比,并使其模糊。 接下來,使用簡單的橡皮擦工具和不透明度參數(shù),我調(diào)整發(fā)光效果(圖28)。
And that's all! Later I finished off the second image in the same way (Fig.29).
Finally I'd like to say that the method that I described is not ideal and has some weaknesses. But it allowed me to get a nice render that matched with the author's original idea in a short amount of time. And I often use such a method in my job.
I hope that this article was interesting and useful for you, and that you could find something new here。

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